Make This DIY Easy Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe
Commercial detergents are riddled with unnecessary toxic ingredients that are linked to harmful side effects like allergic reactions, skin irritation, and even respiratory issues. Not to mention how expensive store-bought detergent has become! Today, I’m sharing my recipe for easy homemade laundry detergent that’s affordable and works wonderfully! I have found a combination of ingredients that we love and is perfect for sensitive skin.
My mom used to make her own homemade laundry detergent when I was younger, but our clothes never got very clean. She tried, but something was missing. In this post, we’ll discuss why homemade detergent is a fantastic choice for your laundry needs and how to make your own. It is easy to make with simple ingredients and offers numerous benefits such as safety, cost-effectiveness, and customization options.
By opting for DIY laundry detergent, you can take control of the ingredients you use and contribute to a healthier, lox-tox lifestyle. We use this daily when cleaning our home as part of our 15-minute clean-up routine!
One of my goals throughout Lucas’ diagnosis has been to clean up some of the products we use regularly without completely ruining our monthly budget. It hasn’t been easy, but we’ve taken it one item at a time to help offset the cost. I hesitated to make my laundry detergent because of how many times my mom tried and struggled, but I’m so glad I kept going. (Love you, Mom! Thanks for always showing me your money-saving tricks.)
The key for us is powder detergent. I tried different recipes for liquid laundry detergent, but it either seized and became clumpy, or the ingredients separated, no matter how much I stirred. Powder detergent has been much easier for me, and I haven’t noticed any build-up on our clothes or in the washer, which can happen with natural laundry detergent if you’re not careful.
This DIY laundry detergent recipe is simple and contains a handful of basic ingredients you can easily grab at the grocery store.

Why choose homemade laundry detergent?
Making your own laundry detergent provides several advantages that make it a compelling option for environmentally conscious individuals. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:
Safety for you and your loved ones
When you opt for an easy homemade laundry detergent, you have complete control over the ingredients used. Unlike commercial detergents, which often contain harmful chemicals, homemade alternatives provide a safer option for your family’s well-being. Avoiding artificial fragrances, dyes, and toxic substances can reduce the risk of skin irritations, allergies, and respiratory issues, making homemade laundry detergent the better option for your family’s health.
One of the most enticing aspects of homemade laundry detergent is its cost-effectiveness. Store-bought laundry soap can be quite expensive, especially if you have a large family or do multiple loads of laundry regularly. Making your own detergent can significantly reduce household expenses while achieving comparable or superior cleaning results. My recipe only costs $0.15 per load, and unlike regular detergent, this recipe only requires 1-2 tablespoons per load, saving you more money and stretching the product further.
Customization and versatility
Homemade laundry detergent allows you to customize the formula to meet your needs and personal preference. You can experiment with different ingredients and your favorite essential oils to create scents that align with your personal taste. Additionally, homemade detergents can be tailored for different fabric types, such as delicates, cloth diapers, and baby clothes, ensuring gentle yet effective cleaning.
Ingredients to avoid in commercial detergents
Commercial laundry detergents often contain toxic chemicals that can harm your health and the environment. You can actively avoid these potentially dangerous ingredients by making your own detergent. Here are a few commonly found in commercial detergents that you may want to steer clear of:
Phosphates: These chemicals, commonly used in detergents to enhance cleaning power, can harm aquatic ecosystems when they enter waterways. Phosphates contribute to water pollution and can lead to harmful algal blooms.
- Optical Brighteners: Optical brighteners are added to laundry detergents to make clothes appear brighter and whiter. However, these chemicals can cause skin irritations and are toxic to aquatic life.
- Fragrances and Dyes: Synthetic fragrances and dyes are often used to enhance the scent and appearance of commercial detergents. Unfortunately, these additives can trigger sensitive individuals’ allergies, skin sensitivities, and respiratory problems. Many of these ingredients are also linked to varying types of cancer.
- Petrochemicals: Many commercial detergents contain petrochemicals derived from petroleum. These substances can be harmful to both human health and the environment.
Creating your own easy homemade laundry detergent
Simple homemade laundry soap recipe
Now that you know the benefits of homemade laundry detergent and the ingredients to avoid in commercial detergents, here is my recipe for homemade laundry detergent. This recipe is both effective and gentle on your clothes! We’ve been using it for about 18 months now and love it. I have become really sensitive to added fragrances and love that my clothes still smell nice without the headache.
The ingredients
For my easy homemade laundry detergent, you will only need 4 ingredients:
2 castile soap bars in any scent
2 cups of Borax
3 cups of washing soda
1 cup of baking soda
Optional extra:
Essential oils in your favorite scent. We really enjoy citrus scents and use 10-20 drops of essential oils in each batch.
Start by grating the bars of soap with a cheese grater. Count this as your arm workout for the day, and thank me later. Alternatively, you can use a food processor to grate the bars of soap.
Once you have the grated soap bars, mix the rest of the dry ingredients and place them in an airtight container. I use a glass gallon jar to see how much detergent I have. When you start a load of laundry, scoop 2 tbsp of the mix into your washer, add your dirty clothes, and start your laundry! That’s it.
Our kids are sensitive to perfumes and other ingredients, so this recipe has been a lifesaver. It is way cheaper than conventional laundry detergent, plus this easy homemade laundry detergent also has so few ingredients that I don’t have to worry about my kids reacting. While the recipe only uses natural ingredients, you still need to keep this out of the reach of children like any other cleaning product. We keep it up high in our laundry room to be safe. Also, if you have stubborn stains on clothes like spaghetti sauce, grease, mud, or grass, try pre-treating the stains with a stain remover that includes dish soap. The degreaser removes grease and dark-colored stains. I can’t tell you how many shirts I’ve been able to save from coconut oil splatter by using this trick! If you need a good, non-toxic alternative to stain removers, there’s a link below!

A few notes about my easy homemade laundry detergent
This soap creates little to no suds, making it safe for all washers, including front-load and high-efficiency washing machines!
I love Kirk’s brand soap, but any brand will work just fine. Also, if you want to buy in bulk and save even more, this is the cheapest I’ve ever found. It’s such a great price!
You can also use unscented castile bar soap and add essential oil! Lemon and orange oil are a nice combination. I also love lavender oil and tee tree oil. The options are endless! Get creative and discover your favorite combination.
Washing soda and baking soda are two different ingredients. Yes, you do need both for the recipe to clean sufficiently! Washing soda is sodium carbonate, while baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. While similar, make sure you use both in this recipe to ensure the detergent works properly.
Frequently asked questions
Can I use the homemade laundry soap in a front loader washing machine?
Yes! One of the best things about this DIY laundry soap recipe is that it’s safe for all washing machine types. The ingredients are clean, won’t cause any blockages, and leave your clothes fresh and clean.
Can I make my own laundry soap with white vinegar?
Yes, you can make detergent using vinegar, but I prefer to use it for fabric softener instead. Vinegar alone isn’t enough to clean clothes, but it softens them beautifully.
How do I make homemade fabric softener?
As tempting as it may be to use dryer sheets, they are riddled with toxic ingredients and synthetic fragrances that cause headaches and respiratory distress. Instead of exposing ourselves to these harsh products, we try to replace them with budget-friendly alternatives. Homemade fabric softener is incredibly simple. Add 1/2 cup of vinegar and a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your load of laundry, either in the softener dispenser or directly on top of your clothes, and wash on your favorite setting. That’s it!
Alternatively, you could use wool dryer balls with a few drops of essential oils and throw them in the dryer with your clothes.
Do you have a good recipe to replace store-bought stain removers?
I’m so glad you asked! I have an excellent stain remover recipe that works on everything: grass, blood, pasta sauce, berries, grease, butter, and more! Here’s the link for the recipe. It uses 2 simple ingredients in a spray bottle, and all you have to do is spray it on stains, let it sit for about 30 minutes, and wash as usual. Putting the spray on for a little bit longer for a tough stain is a good idea, but I’ve saved our family so much money by replacing clothing with this stain remover.
What temperature setting should I use on my washing machine?
We use cold water settings to save money, but this detergent will work at any temperature setting you prefer! Hot water is often used to help disinfect, but it can also shrink clothes, so keep that in mind when choosing the correct temperature setting for your laundry.
Do you have clothes with stubborn odors that won’t budget? Check out my post on non-toxic laundry stripping for tips on removing stubborn odors!
Price Breakdown
For all the items needed for the easy homemade laundry detergent recipe, I spent just over $15, and it made enough detergent for 128 loads of laundry. For each load of laundry, I’ll spend around $0.12! This homemade soap contains no harsh chemicals, fake perfumes, or other gross ingredients, so this is an amazing price. I looked for other non-toxic detergents and could only find one at a price similar to mine. While it may be easier to purchase detergent instead of making it, a sense of pride comes from knowing you can make it yourself!
Here’s a comparison breakdown of popular conventional brands:
Gain liquid detergent- $16 for 107 loads= $0.15 per load.
Tide liquid detergent- $23 for 113 loads= $0.20 per load.
Dreft liquid detergent- $25 for 114 loads= $0.21 per load.
Prices may vary based on where you live, but for non-toxic, homemade laundry detergent, my price is comparable and cuts out dozens of unnecessary harsh ingredients that we shouldn’t be exposed to anyway!
I’ve also been able to find the ingredients on Amazon for cheap, plus I can stock up and have enough ingredients on hand to make a few batches, so I never run out.
It’s clear: homemade laundry detergent is the best option. You can enjoy a safer, more cost-effective, and customizable alternative to commercial detergents by cleaning up your laundry routine. Not only will you avoid harmful ingredients commonly found in store-bought brands, but you’ll also contribute to a greener lifestyle by reducing your environmental impact. Try this easy homemade laundry detergent recipe and discover the joy of clean, fresh-smelling clothes while embracing a healthier, more sustainable approach to laundry care.
I hope this post has encouraged you to try making your home laundry detergent. If you’ve found this post helpful, please remember to share and pin it to your favorite Pinterest board!
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